Friday, October 31, 2008

Glimpse of Alaska

After a winter like this it was time for new scenery, soooo it was on the road again or North to Alaska!This is a five span bridge going into Tetlin indian village, museum, gas station and good resturant. The lake flows out into the Yukon River, which goes thru Alaska and comes out at Nome, Ak and into the Pacific Ocean. This is another beautiful lake on the way called Muncho Lake. The water is the most beautiful blue color. The road follows right along the shore line. Lots of Dahl sheep and caribou here in this area.
The next stop was at Liard Hot Springs. Hottest water is up to my left, cooler to my right. There is a changing hut up some steps in front of me. The boardwalk is about one quarter of a mile walk to the parking lot and with my walker I made it both ways. Grandpa Jack tried to push me on the walker but we had a wreck and scraped my leg so I did it by my self. Ms independence don't you know? This was such a pretty view going from Canada into Alaska that I wanted you to see. The scenery is just so fabulous, Sue would have to stop every five minutes to take another picture!
First snow caught Grampa trying to get his "stuff" cleaned up. Below is a picture of my summer buddy Chewbaca, the tripod husky who would come have lunch with me nearly every day. His left hind leg had been shot off, but what a friend he was, loved to have his left ear scratched!
This bed got a lot of use this summer as the window over my head gave me the light to read until 11:30 p.m. Alaska time. Hopefully next summer will bring electricity to the cabin.
This was a view from my front porch that I would sit and look at while I was having lunch. This plant in the picture was taller than me.
And so we are waving goodbye to Alaska for the Summer of 2008...
The Keni Bear at the airport is waving goodbye to all. Hope you enjoyed your trip through my blog!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Walking with the walker!

This was my great-grand-daughter's first steps with great grandma's walker. We both toddle along.